Monday, May 10, 2010

Gardening... a first for everything

I have been wanting to try gardening for quite a few years but haven't been able to figure out where to put a garden at my home.  We have a front yard, a sloping side yard, and a back HILL.  My gracious husband agreed to putting a small garden in the front yard (but not too close to the street, please). 

The garden was completed 2 weeks ago on April 23-24.  I planted 3 tomato plants (2 Beefsteak and 1 Better Boy), 7 broccoli plants, 2 green peppers, 1 zucchini, and 1 cucumber bush.  On May 7, I added 1 cherry tomato and 1 summer yellow squash.  I also planted carrots and radishes.  I'm praying God's blessings on this endeavor that in the next 4-12 weeks, we will be eating the fruits of our labor!

My humble gardening beginnings...  The raised garden is in the front left on the picture.

My friend's father offered to not only till the land, but he returned the next morning and built the raised garden bed for me.  A blessing sent from heaven!

Before he left, he planted my tomato plants for me and gave me instructions on planting the other transplants I had bought.

If you look beyond the garden, you can see the sloping side yard!

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